I noticed lately that mostly in browsers page loading ect was slow was blaming it on internet
but got to looking had high swap usage.
I adjusted dont use bluetooth so killed that applet and a few others which brought mem usage down.
Now things seem ok working much better and swapping much less seems to have been a breakover point.
Using Mate wonder if anyone has had this issue limited on this laptop cant upgrade ram.
Those little applets can sure use memory sometimes. (Bluetooth biggest offender)

    How much ram does it have?

    inxi -m
    If you are unsure.

      Yeah system requirements are 4gb. Just wanted to make sure things weren't inflating beyond that recommendation.

      Sadly probably not you can do.

        Harvey From what I can tell after watching linux is doing what its suppose to and thats
        with todays updates not my main laptop so all is cool.


        Axios I adjusted dont use bluetooth so killed that applet and a few others which brought mem usage down.....Those little applets can sure use memory sometimes

        I think my first thinkcentre rescue had a lone strip of 4GB ( or two 2's?) in and that was plenty for budgie at the time but sometimes even that got doggy. that you are pulling off Mate with 2GB is impressive.
        I need to watch System Settings more I had no idea those little ba***rds (applets) sucked up the memory like that. 'Stuff I wish I knew then'🙂

          Install zram-generator-defaults which will initialize zram with the default Solus configuration (this will be installed by default by the next ISO). This will give you a little more breathing room but really 2GB is too little nowadays.

            ReillyBrogan Cool didnt know you had it
            Will see how it works
            Note after using and watching all in all I think it improves linux memory handling


            • [deleted]

            • Edited

            I noticed zram has saved me from the fact that I forgot to set up swap on my system. Ooops.