Hello Everyone and Team !
Well, i know ont if i'm the only one to have this but since last update my laptop fan started to spin a lot and the laptop getting hot and shutting down itself after a moment.
This happened to me when 6.1 was first released then after another update things came back to normal and now since last updates it started again.
Maybe this is just me or something kernel but I put it here as it may serve.

My laptop config:

if there is a need for more details i can provide, but as of now, i'll just switch this laptop OFF and watch for updates in this topic on my other laptop.


    unclemez looks like you're on the current kernel, can you try switching to the LTS kernel and see if the problem is still there?

      Brucehankins will give it a test when I have enough time.
      BTW ... Lead and Dev Team should consider about building an app that allow us to switch between kernels without assle ... like it the case for (f_orgive for this mention it is not comparison_) Manjaro.
      having such tool would help a lot but yes ... definitely, I'll try that LTS and update but not for now !

      another possible solution I found by doing some online research for you was to install TLP which is a power manager app for laptops . reason is your laptop is running at full max power and the fan is constantly running to help keep your laptop cool downed. once your laptop internal temperature reaches a certain temperature level it shuts off to prevent it from overheating. by using TLP you can control the amount of power used and the fan will stop running constantly. also try changing your power settings from balanced to power saver . It might helpl

      btw once TLP is installed open terminal and run sudo tlp start then sudo reboot now . good luck

        tuxlover4 you may also need to run sudo systemctl enable --now tlp.service for it to be persistent on reboot. Not 100% sure on Solus, but that was the process for EOS.

          Brucehankins you are right but i told him to run sudo tlp start in terminal and reboot . i believe that does the trick , at least it has always worked for me . '

          Thank you guys!
          Solus works so good on me i forgot about TLP
          here is a bit of the output of it
          Now, time to look at it and the way it reacts ... reboot already done !

          It seem much better now.
          I even installed thermald ... they say it doesn't conflict with TLP and started to received notifications of thermald doing its job ... super cool !
          Budgie is definitely everything XFCE have failed to be for me !

            unclemez You could install glances from repo and run it from terminal
            and see what your temps are and maybe if any processes are using alot .
            Kinda give you idea of cpu temps

              Axios thanks a lot, i do have glances installed and love it much much than any other app of the same kind, very efficient and yes I constantly look at it and everything seem to be okay on the app consuming side.
              but will keep an eye open, thanks again !

              This time, telegram was the resources manger
              now I turned it OFF the load dropped from 73% to +/- 43% ... goog, good !