Was looking to add a couple oldies to my wallpapers folder (via settings/background/add) and found official site. Some of these date back to 2015. Still pretty cool.

Just posting this for those who might seek some official solus jpegs. I wanted these two ^^ especially the whiskey barrels.

ALso let me say photos where totally guessed-resized for the first time with Nemo's file resizer. Since there is no way to preview my post I have no idea how they will look. But it's easier than the terminal program🙂

edit: I LOVE nemo file resizer.


    Hello ! Nemo File Resizer seems pretty interesting; how to install it, please ? Thank you !

    EDIT got it, I've installed nemo-image-converter.

    brent Was looking to add a couple oldies to my wallpapers folder (via settings/background/add) and found official site. Some of these date back to 2015. Still pretty cool.

    Just to add to the conversation, these backgrounds and many more are available on KDE Plasma just by rignt-clicking on the background (as in Budgie). No need for a search. And there's no need to resize them for Plasma.

    Coincidently, the first of the two images that you found is the default background for Solus Plasma. Your second one is shown in the image above (PubSide).

      WetGeek yeah they ported a few of the old ones (tulipbees, canal, etc) into the new wallpapers that you are showing--I got them too. but they didnt port all of them. at that website they got all of them they used in those early editions.