Yeah, just scrap WINDOWS altogether if you don't REALLY need it!
I never understand why people fuss on end about which SSD they should get for which OS:
Whenever I bought a refurbished or privately used and recycled ThinkPad with WINDOWS on the drive the very first thing I always did and always will do is take out the drive with WINDOWS on it, keep it (I may need to re-sell the laptop or may be forced to use WINDOWS for work or whatever), pop another SSD in and install whatever I fancy.
It ALWAYS worked, no matter which brand the SSD was.
(I'm using WINDOWS at work, everything the company does is saved to OneDrive, the Microsoft cloud planet, and it feels terrible to be so tied to that company and the way they just flood you with endless notifications, suggestions, remarks about accounts not being logged into, new software bits and pieces they want you to use - you have to be so much a caretaker of your work tools and are left with so little unobstructed time to do what you need to do - just awful.
I will never use WINDOWS privately ever.)