SOLUS_INVICTUS Ubuntu ( Nice with an Elementary OS like Menu in option ! )
openSUSE Tumbleweed ( pretty nice with an Elementary OS like Menu in option ! ) SuSE Family !
Gecko Linux Rolling ( Great with an Elementary OS like Menu in option ! ) SuSE Family !
Manjaro ( perfect with an Elementary OS like Menu in option )
ArcoLinux ( OK with an Elementary OS like Menu in option )
Fedora 38 ( Nice ), Red Hat Familiy !
UltraMarine ( very Nice with an Elementary OS like Menu in option ! ), Red Hat Familiy !
and sooooo much more ( about 15 )
I've used Budgie in other distros (some on your list, some not) and believe me, it's really lousy in a few of these. And decent in a couple. I thought Fedora did the best job (very Solus-like with no crazy adjustments) but not enough for me to keep it. I keep Fedora in Cinnamon now as a backup.
Budgie in Solus is still the best to me.
SOLUS_INVICTUS I prefer dying than using Nemo instead of Nautilus or even Caja
good god you will have to explain this to me somday🙂 ^^.
My version goes like: I would prefer terrble plagues over ever having to use the pox-ridden buggy Nautilus again. Maybe that's what you meant😉?
The 4.39999 is clever, but any new .iso will get Solus out of Dormant on Distrowatch.
I didn't agree with everything, but brave post, I enjoyed reading it.