alexanderzhirov When move the cursor, it becomes invisible. Changing themes doesn't help. Only if make the background transparent - the cursor is visible. What could be the problem?
Axios alexanderzhirov Compiz Change the window manager to built in or none and see if it fixes it Problems with Compiz hard to deal with I always avoided it.
alexanderzhirov Axios I think the problem here is not with Compiz, since with or without it, the cursor is still not displayed during movement. I tried changing the window manager, but it didn't help. Most likely, this is some kind of bug of the terminal itself.
Staudey I can't reproduce this on my MATE testing laptop with the default profile. Seems to be some issue with your theme/prompt/shell.
alexanderzhirov Staudey Found a problem. The zsh plugin zsh-syntax-highlighting creates this problem.