• Support
  • Stuck trying to build zoom-client.eopkg from its .deb

I am trying to build .eopkg for zoom-client, using official .deb file, mostly as a learning exercise as I usually prefer to use the appimage for it.

As a starting point, I am using the script for 3rd-party repos (viber/oceanaudio/bitwise) as base, as they are also using deb to generate eopkg file.

I have used these base to successfully build eopkgs for many other apps that only provide debian downloads. But zoom is only one I am stuck with.

It's not like it is throwing any meaningful error message, Viber spits out way more debug junk, and still builds working eopkg file, but zoom is really annoying me. I have made sure all dependencies are met.

abhinav@abhinav-sol ~/Project/Solus-3rd-Party/packages/zoom-client $ sudo eopkg bi --ignore-safety pspec.xml
Building source package: Zoom
DEBUG: InstallDB initialized in 0.00589203834534.
DEBUG: RepoDB initialized in 0.000128984451294.
zoom_amd64.deb [cached]
Unpacking archive(s)...
 unpacked (/var/eopkg/Zoom-
Setting up source...
DEBUG: return value for "pwd" is 0
DEBUG: return value for "ar xf zoom_amd64.deb" is 0
DEBUG: return value for "tar xf data.tar.xz" is 0
Building source...
Testing package...
There are abandoned files under the install dir (/var/eopkg/Zoom-
    - /opt/zoom/libQt5QuickWidgets.so.5.12
    - /opt/zoom/Embedded.properties
      ........// *All the files from /opt are listed 
*** 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
Program terminated.
Please use 'eopkg help' for general help.

Any helpful pointers are welcome.

Try adding <Path fileType="data">/opt/zoom/*</Path> to the <Files> section of your pspec.xml

Yup, That does the trick.. I had everything else except for that line.

            <Path fileType="executable">/usr/bin</Path>
            <Path fileType="data">/usr/share/applications</Path>
            <Path fileType="doc">/usr/share/doc</Path>
            <Path fileType="data">/usr/share/pixmaps</Path>
            <Path fileType="data">/usr/share/mime</Path>
            <Path fileType="executable">/opt/zoom/ZoomLauncher</Path>
            <Path fileType="data">/opt/zoom/*</Path> 

Thanks, I wonder why oceanaudio or bitwise got away without using this.

    Abhinav1217 Thanks, I wonder why oceanaudio or bitwise got away without using this.

    Seems like they're just doing it in a weird way, by referencing the whole folder, and not just an executable, with
    <Path fileType="executable">/opt/ocenaudio</Path>