A number of issues have cropped up with the latest GNOME stack update, affecting mainly users of the GNOME DE, Budgie DE, and to a lesser extent certain users of other DEs with certain GTK apps. This thread is here to inform, assemble a full list of issues, and provide some first workarounds until the issues can be fixed or at least properly dealt with.

Note: Most issues with the file manager can be avoided by switching to Nemo, which is now in our repository and will be the new default file manager for Budgie. If you also use the desktop icon support, there are instructions to switch to Nemo's implementation here: https://discuss.getsol.us/d/9115-switching-from-budgie-desktop-view-to-nemo-desktop

List of known issues (to be extended as required):

  1. Files aka Nautilus, and other apps like Calendar and Calculator, don't respect the system theme and/or dark mode [workarounds below]
  2. Tiny column headers in Files/Nautilus (Name, Size, Type, etc.)
  3. Left panel in Files/Nautilus isn't resizable [Intentional change by upstream project]
  4. Right-click in Files/Nautilus blocks all other input and produces visual glitches at times. Same for the file copy/extract progress modal dialog [Upstream issue]
  5. Can't extract files by dragging them from Archive Manager to Files/Nautilus [Upstream issue]
  6. Trying to set a wallpaper from a file in Nautilus resets the wallpaper back to default
  7. vala-panel-appmenu and plank don't properly update content per app [should be fixed now]
  8. The integration of Nextcloud in Files/Nautilus is partially broken [should be fixed now]
  9. Rhythmbox doesn't launch [should be fixed now]
  10. No option to "Safely Remove Drive" in Files/Nautilus [Upstream issue]
  11. eopkg check reports gdk-pixbuf as Broken [should be fixed now]
  12. Files/Nautilus doesn't remember list view sorting preferences [should be fixed now]
  13. Files/Nautilus crashes while renaming files or folders [should be fixed now]
  14. Night Light doesn't work [should be fixed now]
  15. gnome-screenshot doesn't work correctly from CLI (unless graphical app is also open) [possible upstream issue]
  16. Events get duplicated in gnome-calendar for week view and sidebar if you close and re-open it several times [Upstream issue]
  17. Dropping file onto a folder in Files/Nautilus immediately opens that folder [should be fixed now]
  18. "Starred" files get (visually) duplicated when opening multiple instances of Files/Nautilus
  19. First letter duplicated when typing in Activities view [upstream Dash-to-Dock issue]
  20. Issues with ripping/playing CDs, e.g. in sound-juicer [should be fixed now]

Preliminary workarounds, copied from the other big thread about these issues (work in progress):

Appearance of Nautilus and other apps (Point 1 above): The GNOME project keeps moving more and more apps to libadwaita theming, the latest being, among others, the file manager Nautilus. This means that it no longer respects the system GTK widget theme (as set in e.g. Budgie Desktop Settings), and also might not adjust to dark themes correctly.
For the second problem (not adjusting to dark system themes) there are two possible solutions. One is to open gnome-control-center (from a terminal in Budgie as it's not shown in the menu anymore), navigate to the "Appearance" section and switch between "Default" and "Dark" there. Note that libadwaita has some integrated dark theme detection, which will automatically switch to dark mode, if your widget theme ends in "-Dark". I'd have to research how to override that if that's not what you want.

The other possible solution using dconf-editor is described here: https://discuss.getsol.us/d/8463-fix-for-dark-themes-with-blaring-white-applications

For the first problem (not respecting system theme) one solution/workaround is to patch the libadwaita theme to match your system widget theme colour. An easy way to do this is by using the Gradience app. Now available from our repository. With this app you can either manually adjust the theme colours (if you have the time and inclination to do that) or, as I did, explore pre-configured presets. Personally I use our ant-dracula-gtk-theme, so I searched for the Dracula preset and applied it. This will adjust the libadwaita theme colours to match the widget theme. Not perfect, but much more agreeable to the eyes. Update: If you also want to theme older, GTK3 apps in the same way, there is now the adw-gtk3-theme in our repository, which can also be styled inside the gradience app (there is a checkbox for GTK3/legacy style when you apply a theme).

How to use this thread

If you have any additional issues not mentioned in the list above, please post them here. Same goes for solutions that haven't already been mentioned. Please don't post messages in the form of "I have the same problem" or "This solution also worked for me" as I will delete them to keep the thread manageable. Same goes for off-topic discussions about the philosophy of GNOME, the reasons behind these changes, etc. This thread is only for discovering issues and solutions. You can post about these other things in the old, big thread (where such discussion is already happening).
There is also an issue ticket on our dev tracker to follow along some of the progess: https://dev.getsol.us/T10401
(but please refrain from posting there unless you have concrete technical details about an issue or solution)

    Staudey stickied the discussion .

    I have something with external HDD with Nautilus/Budgie, there is no more the safely remove drive option on a right clic in the left panel, I need first to clic the arrow to unmount the external HD then right clic and choose the option safely remove drive, that means this option is only available if the HD is unmounted.

      Found this on omgubuntu

      I don't have the two options, eject & safely remove drive on left panel right clic if drive is mounted.

        Related to probably 4, if you try do extract an archive and click on that little circle icon that shows progress you can't click outside of it. I mean, you can, it just won't do anything. You have to click it again to be able to select anything else.

          sangheeta Hmm, that seems like an issue indeed. Maybe one more of the nautilus-extension woes. Gonna take a look later. Adding it to the list.

          AlucardNoir2 Interesting, thanks! That's pretty likely related to issue no. 4, yes. Gonna add a note to it.

          Staudey Left panel in Files/Nautilus isn't resizable

          This is intentional. Source.

          Staudey [...] Files/Nautilus [...] produces visual glitches at times

          Looks like someone filed an issue here about this. Sadly, not gonna hold my breath on it... :/

          Staudey Can't extract files by dragging them from Archive Manager to Files/Nautilus

          This looks to be a problem with Nautilus now being GTK4, but file-roller being GTK3; the drag and drop API between the GTK versions is not compatible, and the API in 4 is missing things that they need for file-roller.

          sangheeta there is no more the safely remove drive option on a right clic in the left panel

          I just filed an issue here. The menu item is present with regular USB thumb drives, which is probably what they were using with the screenshot you showed from omgubuntu.


            This is intentiona. Source.

            I must admit that is a good thing to tiling windows, I'm sure they did that especially for.
            But finally I like it, I have wondering many times why they didn't do it already, the left panel should disappear in some case. They did it.

            I was no longer able to use the GNOME app Geary (43.0) after the recent update. The application opens but content remains blank. Don't know if this counts as it's not bundled with Solus.

            Workaround: use the Flatpak package (40.0) instead.

            hopefully I don't violate the spirit of what you intend for this thread. let me know if I do.
            I have some more to add.
            Add this to your to list:

            Since the update Nautilus fails to remember all settings. All my windows are set to open with latest date file on top. Nautilus has no memory left. In preferences it only allows you to sort grid view folders. Note the helter skelter above. So extra mouse clicks for every move in this getting-worse-by-the-day File Manager.

            The flip side of this is I added Materia, not Materia-Dark:

            this aired out the categories on the left that were smushed together and I think the list thumbnails are less smushed together--more like the pre-update Nautilus....except that awful 1 pts header fonts...

            Another wrinkle. While Materia made Nautilus look better, this theme is inconsistent:

            control center vs. desktop settings. files and calculator still dark. software center light.
            @Staudey this is why I asked you the button questions this morning. Note I have Solus Dark theme enabled. and built in theme disabled....that makes Materia half dark and half light depending on app?
            dark theme doesn't make Materia dark? Only Materia-dark makes materia dark? and if that's true why are some apps dark? and some light?

            If I went Materia-Dark then these two buttons wouldn't matter?
            Can I avoid having to go into dconf editor to achieve dark uniformity?
            Confused on that part and unsure it's related.
            again, thank for your time and dedication to the nautilus/stack problems
            edit: repeated self in a place or two

              brent Gonna take a look at the issue of not remembering settings.

              To your theme question: The Dark theme toggle only works in some places, like the Budgie menu and inside Budgie Desktop Setting itself (I'd have to do some research to find all instances where it applies; that's what I meant with "some apps" in the other thread). Since Materia (without the -Dark) is a light theme, everything else will be bright. Using Materia-Dark should be dark everywhere, including Budgie Desktop Settings and the Budgie menu, even if you don't toggle the Dark theme switch. Theoretically Materia-Dark should also cause libadwaita apps like Files and gnome-calculator to switch to the dark theme, because it's named with the -Dark suffix, and libadwaita has some logic integrated to detect and respect that.

                Yesterday, gnome-control-center was okay, but not today on Budgie.

                pat@solus ~ $ gnome-control-center
                (gnome-control-center:4336): GLib-GIO-ERROR **: 06:06:21.396: Settings schema 'org.gnome.shell.app-switcher' is not installed
                Trappe pour point d'arrĂȘt et de trace (core dumped)
                pat@solus ~ $ 

                Yes, for me too, need to clic inside the field first then delete all name and rename, if I delete the selected name first it crashes.

                When I opened two nautilus windows and copied data from one to the other it locked me out of doing anything else until the process was finished. i.e. I couldn't click anything. Happened every time I copied something after the update.

                  riffer lately I've been right-click/move to/copy to old school way of moving stuff. Was wondering if the lockout exists under that method as well. It might rule something out.

                  Cloak I can't reproduce this either. Can you or someone else give more exact steps?