I cannot find a link on this website to were I can support Solus financially.
Donate Link
There is not currently any such animal. In process.
Coming Soon. Once a legal entity is set up to ensure incidents of the past can't re-occur it will be looked into again.
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Maybe the Solus team put a topic and pin it up it will be useful. Many ask this question. A FAQ pinned post will be nice
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Indeed. I wanted to send a little money to Solus and couldn't find the link.
I too wanted to donate but cant till they get it all sorted out, I help by hosting all 3 distros on my Pi3 and having it as a BitTorrent server. Just helps a little bit with bandwidth cost for the project.
2 year later and this...... are you a bot sir?
At the moment I don't think team Solus are "people in need".
henkesteen Yeah, definitely a spammer.