Solus GNOME on a few Lenovo 4GB RAM Intel Graphics laptops with all extensions deactivated and no apps running, each always ran at nothing less than 1.8 GB RAM with unpredictably huge CPU spikes. This is not controversial -- very common well-documented problem with GNOME <3.28 on most low-end graphics (laptops, etc), hence people clamoring for >3.30 on Solus for the last several months because of the promised memory improvements from GNOME with >3.30, especially since Solus won't accept zRAM in the repositories, which is the #1 go-to workaround in Ubuntu for the memory problems on <3.30 systems. Well, I switched to unstable as soon as 3.32 was offered, and my Solus GNOME now runs at 1.3 GB with stabilized CPU, and no more graphics hangups and stuttering animations now that my shared video memory has some relief. Very good! Thank you very very much, wonderful devs & maintainers. Now Solus GNOME is finally usable on low-end hardware! Significant improvement.