I guess I'll have to wait till May 3rd, when it hits stable 😉 But thanks for continuing the grueling work shown on the hackfest a week or two back (hours of configuration/compiling).


    There was much more later on Twitch, like 35~ hours.

    Soopyyy Is this your first time on Unstable? Make sure you are joining #Solus-Dev channel on irc to stay informed.

    Just don't update without being informed. Some update will broke something spectacularly, like kernel and stack update.

      Yep, what @yursan9 said. Unstable is not for the faint of heart, and if you update when we clearly say not to, the chances of you getting support is slim to none. The expectation is that individuals which opt to use unstable are always checking for any message to indicate that they shouldn't update in the #Solus-Dev IRC channel. It is standard practice for us to update the topic when that is the case.

      All of that being said, welcome to the unstable club. Thanks for jumping on to help test!

      Years ago, I would have been in the unstable camp. Now I like my system to run (mostly by itself).


        Hey Soopyy. How can I, as a NON-technician, jump over. Please your advice.
        gr. Evert.

          evert To add the unstable repository:
          sudo eopkg ar Solus https://mirrors.rit.edu/solus/packages/unstable/eopkg-index.xml.xz

          After that: sudo eopkg up - to install the updates

          sudo eopkg rr Solus https://mirrors.rit.edu/solus/packages/unstable/eopkg-index.xml.xz - to switch back to the stable repository.

            Hey Junglist. I have just installed it : it works perfectly. Thanks.

            yursan9 I tried to join the solus IRC a few days ago and I had trouble logging in and it seems to have auto-banned me now?
            Edit: never mind, looks to have been just the client I was using.

              Soopyyy You can't use web client. To access #Solus-Dev channel, you slso need to register your nickname

                yursan9 Yeah I am trying to do that at the moment with mixed success.

                It is great to know that the future of Gnome is getting better. It has a reputation of being resource hungry. It is great that the resource reduction is also affecting Budgie, it does well on resources already. Nice to hear KDE is coming along as well. Thanks for the hard work put into making Solus, I have been using it for over a year.

                I don't know if it's a fair comparison, but with nothing else but htop running, the unstable version running on virtualbox is only using 540 GB RAM compared to my Solus Gnome daily driver has 960 GB RAM (which is still pretty good compared to fedora or debian gnome, both of which were well over 1300 to 1500 GB with just htop running). I do have a couple of eye candy extensions added to my bare metal install, so that may make some difference.

                Not an extensive check of everything yet, but all appears to running quick and smoothly 😃