brent The NT not so much at all. But they are two different books
The last thing I want to do is get into a religious argument here, or even a philosophical one, because it just isn't the place for it. But the New Testament is also full of stories that are unbelievable as well, unless they can be attributed to magick and the supernatural, and that's something I'm not comfortable basing my life on.
There are religious philosophies I stand behind 100%. I'm a firm believer in "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," and the Pagan equivalent, "An it harm none, do as ye will." But I draw the line at believing water can be miraculously turned into good wine, or a woman becomes pregnant spontaneously, and such. Like some product sales pitches even today, those require believing--without proof--in unfounded claims that a product can do something that it can't.
The cartoon above above made me laugh. My apologies if it offended anyone. I'm just not superstitious.