I'm trying to use mimic with Calibre, I have read (link) that I must to configure speech-dispatcher first, but it doesn't seem to work: the voice of spd-say seems to be still that of espeak-ng . I followed these instructions (link) with the difference that the directory was on /usr/share/speech-dispatcher/conf instead of etc... Would anyone be able to help me?

Solved! I've added on speechd.conf 'AddModule' mimic-generic '' sd_mimic-generic '' mimic-generic.conf 'and then configured with spd-conf which writes to home .config / speech-dispatcher. It work.
In addition I also made a module for gTTS that seems to me to work:
GenericExecuteSynth "gtts-cli -l en \"$DATA\" >/tmp/gtts-said.mp3 && play /tmp/gtts-said.mp3 >/dev/null"
GenericCmdDependency "gtts-cli" . So I can choose mimic or gTTS on Calibre.

3 months later

I've already tried to use mimic with calibre too. But the line
AddModule "mimic-generic" "sd_mimic-generic" "mimic-generic.conf" prevents the speech-dispatcher to start:
Sep 25 18:30:42 abakus systemd[1]: speech-dispatcher.service: Control process exited, code=exited, st>
Sep 25 18:30:42 abakus systemd[1]: speech-dispatcher.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Sep 25 18:30:42 abakus systemd[1]: Failed to start LSB: Speech Dispatcher.
What are the exact modifcation in speechd.conf and/or mimic-generic.conf?
Thanks in advance.

    4 days later

    This is the /home/.../.config/speech-dispatcher/speechd.conf :

      # Each AddModule line loads an output module.
     #  Syntax: AddModule "name" "binary" "configuration" "logfile"
     #  - name is the name under which you can access this module
     #  - binary is the path to the binary executable of this module,
     #    either relative (to libexec/speech-dispatcher-modules/
     #    or ~/.local/libexec/speech-dispatcher-modules) or absolute
     #  - configuration is the path to the config file of this module,
     #    either relative (to etc/speech-dispatcher/modules/
     #    or ~/.config/speech-dispatcher) or absolute
      #AddModule "espeak"                   "sd_espeak"    "espeak.conf"
     AddModule "espeak-ng"                "sd_espeak-ng" "espeak-ng.conf"
     #AddModule "festival"                 "sd_festival"  "festival.conf"
     #AddModule "flite"                    "sd_flite"     "flite.conf"
     #AddModule "ivona"                    "sd_ivona"     "ivona.conf"
     #AddModule "pico"                     "sd_pico"      "pico.conf"
     #AddModule "espeak-ng-mbrola-generic" "sd_generic"   "espeak-ng-mbrola-generic.conf"
     #AddModule "espeak-mbrola-generic"    "sd_generic"   "espeak-mbrola-generic.conf"
     #AddModule "swift-generic"            "sd_generic"   "swift-generic.conf"
     #AddModule "epos-generic"             "sd_generic"   "epos-generic.conf"
     #AddModule "dtk-generic"              "sd_generic"   "dtk-generic.conf"
     #AddModule "ibmtts"                   "sd_ibmtts"    "ibmtts.conf"
     #AddModule "cicero"                   "sd_cicero"    "cicero.conf"
     #AddModule "kali"                     "sd_kali"      "kali.conf"
     #AddModule "mary-generic"             "sd_generic"   "mary-generic.conf"
     #AddModule "baratinoo"                "sd_baratinoo" "baratinoo.conf"
     AddModule "rhvoice"                  "sd_rhvoice"   "rhvoice.conf"
     #AddModule "voxin"                    "sd_voxin"     "voxin.conf"
     AddModule "mimic-generic"             "sd_generic"     "mimic-generic.conf"
     AddModule "gtts-generic"             "sd_generic"     "gtts-generic.conf"
      # The DefaultModule selects which output module is the default.  You
     # must use one of the names of the modules loaded with AddModule.
      #DefaultModule espeak-ng
      DefaultModule   mimic-generic

    and on /home/.../.config/speech-dispatcher/modules there are the following files:
    GenericExecuteSynth "mimic -voice $VOICE -t \'$DATA\'"
    GenericCmdDependency "mimic"
    AddVoice "en-us" "FEMALE1" "slt"
    AddVoice "en-us" "MALE1" "ab"
    AddVoice "en-us" "MALE2" "awb"
    AddVoice "en-gb" "MALE3" "rms"

    gtts-generic.conf :
    GenericExecuteSynth "gtts-cli -l en -t co.uk \"$DATA\" >/tmp/gtts-said.mp3 && play /tmp/gtts-said.mp3 >/dev/null"
    GenericCmdDependency "gtts-cli"
    AddVoice "en-gb" "FEMALE1" "slt2"