Spaxly I want to install Solus on my main computer but I have Secure Boot enabled and I need it on for Windows 11 and its games that require this setting.
Windows 11 requires that the computer on which it is installed be Secure Boot capable but does not require that Secure Boot be enabled on that computer.**
Disable Secure Boot before your next boot of Windows 11. Windows 11 will boot and run fine. I run Windows 11 (both Beta and Stable) on dual-boot computers on which Secure Boot is disabled and have done so for months.
Spaxly Is there anyway to use Solus OS with Secure Boot?
Solus, to my knowledge, will not install or run on a computer with Secure Boot enabled.
Update/Edit: If it is important to you that SecureBoot be enabled, you might look at Ubuntu flavors (Ubuntu for Gnome DE, Kbuntu for KDE/Plasma DE, Ubuntu MATE for the MATE DE, Ubuntu Budgie for Budgie DE). Ubuntu and its derivatives are compatible with SecureBoot. If Budgie is what you want, I've used Ubuntu Budgie 22.04 LTS extensively, and it is a quality product.
**Windows 11 and Secure Boot: "While the requirement to upgrade a Windows 10 device to Windows 11 is only that the PC be Secure Boot capable by having UEFI/BIOS enabled, you may also consider enabling or turning Secure Boot on for better security."