brent when you make moves like that always good to reboot. at least try it before you write the whole thing off. 2 cents
Yeah I start to get pessimistic real fast haha. But I did reboot after each action, but no success.
Axios I havent kept up on it think some ppl where having issues with bluez
check make sure its installed (from software center) and some ppl where going back to the previous version
and having it work.
(Dunno just info)
Thanks, It seems it is related to bluez. I just have no Idea. This is all way above my head.
pomon Well, I found it. It won't hurt to try
You are a machine! Thanks for this, at first I didn't no what I was looking at, then I saw the command to enter.
MAJOR UPDATE** I followed the instructions given in the link:
Steps I took
- Opened Konsole
- Entered command:
sudo install -m 700 -d /var/lib/bluetooth
- Restarted Bluetooth? I'm not sure if I did it right:
sudo systemctl restart bluetooth.service
- Rebooted Laptop
After Reboot these are the noted changes
- Visible Bluetooth System Tray Entry
- Bluetooth Settings No longer Blank (Clicking Enable Does nothing)
Output of: sudo systemctl status bluetooth.service
Output of: sudo journalctl -xeu bluetooth.service
Definitely surprised from the progress/results. Didn't expect any success at all. I'm now optimistic.
Unfortunately though, still no bluetooth. Any Ideas?
Thank you all for your help with this. You are all awesome 😃