samteezy algent Thank you! Yep, the older version of solaar combined with the newest python-evdev isn't presenting the errors, even after reboot, so I think it's an issue with solaar instead.
algent Yep, the older version of solaar combined with the newest python-evdev isn't presenting the errors, even after reboot, so I think it's an issue with solaar instead. I could try to rebuild again solaar v.1.1.2 on build server, but I need your help to check if it fixes the issue.
samteezy algent Let me know how I can help. I'm about to start work for the day so my ability to respond/test is going to be sporadic, but worst case scenario I can test it Saturday morning.
algent samteezy Luckily there is a new release of solaar v.1.1.3 we can try that.
samteezy algent Interesting about your prior comment of python-evdev not listed as dependency, as the release notes for 1.1.2 do list that specifically.
algent python-evdev is runtime dependency, not build dependency. These are two different things. You can check our script here :
samteezy algent Ah, thanks for clarifying. This is where a little knowledge, but not a lot, can be dangerous 🙂
algent @samteezy I am digging a little more. Can you try to uninstall solaar, then run sudo usysconf run -f then restart your session by doing log off/in. After that install again solaar.
davidjharder Newest solar has fixed this for me. Required a reboot. It will likely be a while before this lands in the Stable repository. Great work @samteezy spotting the culprit
algent @samteezy Can you test solaar v.1.1.3 please: sudo eopkg it I may require a reboot.
samteezy algent Seems to work! Both after initial install, and then rebooting and running usysconf run -f, there are no errors.