I thought it'd be a fun idea to check out each others words per minute (WPM) from the results of a typing test.
I don't consider my typing speed very fast, but I'm usually faster than all of my family or friends.
I've never achieved triple digits (100+), but I'm approaching.

For my typing test, I tested with everything left at default. I didn't touch any settings.
If you want to check your speed and share it. Go to the following site: Monkeytype
Then just screenshot your results and post them below.

Here is my result

relaxed, lageredπŸ˜‰, and unserious I was 64/97: half your speed, same accuracy. it's an interesting barometer that gauges WPM. Except you have to type over a bunch of sequenced, ghosted words they provided in random order and non-sentences like some kind of mutant dictation. Unintuitive but I can't wait to give it another go!
Great find. Measures cognition and reflex if I had to guess.

    I would ask if people are going to upload screenshots please use a free image hosting service like https://imgur.com so if this thread becomes popular we don't end up hosting hundreds of megabytes of typing test screenshots. Cheers πŸ˜›

    Fun idea. For people who want to improve their typing more there are harder tests like klavaro in the repository, which I probably average 70-75wpm w/ 98%~ accuracy on, because its not just random lower case words but actual paragraphs with punctuation.

      Very nice!

      Yes, the default settings certainly will throw you off if you're used to other tests. If you look into the settings, you can change just about anything. My go to typing test!

      Noted. I tried to edit the post so I could correct that, but I can't edit it anymore?

      Sheesh! 97/100, that's impressive. I'll have to use your results as the standard πŸ˜‰
      Have you ever broken into the triple digits? I'm assuming you do all the time....
      My results are a reflection of me going full try hard mode haha

      You should also look into the settings, the test is really customizable for your skill level, preferences and goals.

        xjdwc I tried to edit the post so I could correct that, but I can't edit it anymore?

        Once someone replies to a post you can not edit it. Only mods can.

        xjdwc Have you ever broken into the triple digits?

        Nope, never. I have tried before on other tests, never managed it. I tried a few more times after taking that screenshot to see if I could improve. Speed was staying about the same and accuracy was decreasing. πŸ™

          Harvey Once someone replies to a post you can not edit it. Only mods can.

          Thanks, I figured that was the case.

          Harvey Nope, never. I have tried before on other tests, never managed it. I tried a few more times after taking that screenshot to see if I could improve. Speed was staying about the same and accuracy was decreasing.

          Wow, that's a surprise, you definitely are close!

          Also, I just figured out how to quote people from a specific post/reply. Thanks πŸ™‚

          I once stumbled over ztype which I find awesome for practicing typing.
          It's a space shoot-em-up browser game.
          However, I won't publish any of my poor scores of my two-finger-search typing ;-)

            djanben I won't publish any of my poor scores of my two-finger-search typing

            Having touch-typed professionally for a number of decades, I'm pretty good with 8 fingers (and 1 thumb), but where I totally fail is when I try to type with two thumbs on a tiny virtual keyboard.

            Fortunately, I have the third pairing on my multi-device Bluetooth keyboard set to connect with my cell phone, so I can text like a teenage girl whenever I need to.

            My result on my girlfriends keyboard. Will try again on my mx blue keyboard at home.