Hi, guys!

A few days ago some popular websites were blocked in my country, and we are sure it will continue. On Windows I used Brave and that was enough. When the government tried to block Telegram and broke half the Internet, I used a proxy to update my antivirus. Now completely I switched to Linux and I need something if they will ban other websites. Opera VPN is already blocked, so I'm thinking of going back to Brave or using Tor (by the way, it looks like Tor project website is already blocked too).

I used search in App Center and found Tor (14MB): free software and an open network that helps defend against traffic analysis. Is it the browser? Because in Browsers category I found also Tor Browser Launcher (164KB). So what I need to install to use the Tor browser?

Any advice or explanation?

    To use the Tor browser, you'll need to install the torbrowser-launcher package. Installing will pull in the required dependencies as well (tor and other stuff).

    You can either do it via the software center, or use this command sudo eopkg it torbrowser-launcher.

    Regarding Brave, it's included in the Solus repos as well (as is Telegram, If you wanted to see If the app still works).

    If I were you, I'd try saving up some money and pick up some yearly / bi-yearly proper VPN plan. Fortunately, the internet situation in my country is not as draconian, so I was not forced to pick up a VPN, but I'd certainly do it if I were in your shoes.

    ProtonVPN is a good one, or so I've heard. You can even use the official clients easily on Solus, as they're included in the repos. The only downside is that it's quite pricey.

      Semenov "A few days ago some popular websites were blocked in my country, and we are sure it will continue...When the government tried to block Telegram and broke half the Internet...I need something if they will ban other websites. Opera VPN is already blocked, so I'm thinking of going back to Brave or using Tor..."

      Strange times πŸ™

      Junglist If I were you, I'd try saving up some money and pick up some yearly / bi-yearly proper VPN plan. Fortunately, the internet situation in my country is not as draconian, so I was not forced to pick up a VPN, but I'd certainly do it if I were in your shoes.

      Formally all VPNs in my country mush block websites from the blacklist, but in fact the government just adds some VPNs to a special list and gives them time to comply the law (or they will be blocked). So any VPN available today may stop working tomorrow. That's why on Windows I used proxy and Tor.

      BTW, yesterday I found a guy with the same problem. Why Tor Browser is not just a package?

      After installing torbrowser-launcher and start you will have a choice of many mirrors to install the browser. Maybe, one will not block.

        Semenov the Solus repositories don't have mirrors, I think. what's happening here is that Solus offers the Tor Browser Launcher, which is a program that goes off and downloads Tor from one of its own mirrors, and then lets you launch it.

        Semenov Just install sudo eopkg it torbrowser-launcher. Open from menu and select server. Click install and you will have Tor-Browser in the menu next to the launcher

        @synth-ruiner That's right

        Junglist ProtonVPN is based in Switzerland and is the ONLY free VPN that I would -ever- suggest.

        I trust ProtonVPN. I tried the free version and it is extremely slow but if you aren't streaming video it should be fine. I am not positive but it may obfuscate itself.

        NordVPN is the next best thing but you need to pay for that.

        If you are in Ukraine OVPN is offering free VPNs and F-Secure is offering free VPNs.

        Someone mentioned RiseUpVPN. I have heard the name before but know nothing about it. Apparently it's an optional donation? And it specializes in countries affected by censorship.

        Hope that helps.

        a year later

        O.P., you could try the Librewolf browser.
        You could also try the Ecosia search engine.

          Solmann You can make your own FF more fortified that Libre Wolf but it will take about 40 minutes.
          I stopped trusting Ecosia--and immediately removing it-- as soon as I saw it as an installed search engine on some big browsers. If "the man" wants me to use Ecosia then I know I should not use it. The rumor here is ( that's it's a Bing front end but that may be FUD and I have no idea if its true.
          Tinfoily yours, BrentπŸ™‚