synth-ruiner From his blog post on building alternative ecosystem, back when he was still a co-lead:
For the Solus GNOME Edition, I am no longer confident that I can continue to provide the necessary curated experience that many of our users expect from a Solus edition. In lieu of dropping the edition entirely, alienating people that want to use Solus while also happening to prefer GNOME Shell, we will cease shipping a curated GNOME Edition in the next Solus release, giving it a clear “non-curated” designation and demoting it to a separate section of our Downloads page. This messaging will make it clear that by using GNOME Edition via these new downloads, you are accepting the fact that you will receive stock GNOME Shell, with an extremely small set of defaults applied (wallpaper, some default settings for apps, etc.). Existing users will not be affected by these changes. Once Budgie 11 is released, we will evaluate it / its capabilities compared to GNOME Shell and decide whether to keep Solus GNOME Edition in its non-curated designation, or deprecate it entirely with a pathway for users to upgrade to a Budgie 11 experience.
I emphasized the relevant part. You can read the entire piece here.