bbrdj DansLeRuSH Hello I've been trying to find and install that widget with system live specs you have on the bottom right! How can I get that if you don't mind? I'm new to solus.
picnerd That would be Conky. There are lots of instructions on the Internet. picnerd@picnerd ~ $ eopkg sr conky conky-manager-dbginfo - Debug symbols for conky-manager conky - Lightweight system monitor for X conky-manager - Conky Manager conky-dbginfo - Debug symbols for conky Actually it is enough to install only conky but many beginners install the manager as well. Then there are additional terminal tools that you can read with Conky but .... Here are a few examples:
JohannPopper ^^^^^^^So many great styles above. Solus GNOME Dark Teal-ized Plata+Papirus by Tista and Varlesh et al, Amber Bibata Cursor by KaizIqbal, & Golden Stripes Wallpaper by Tim Mossholder (Unsplash).
synth-ruiner JohannPopper amber is definitely the best colour for cool-retro-term (and terminals in general) 😁 for my work keyboard I got orange-on-black keycaps as a tribute...
Alexandru-Balan 666 posts? I take it upon myself to break that evil number. Btw I think this a new wallpaper from the not so sneaky update? 🤔
buwi0ng2020 Newbie to Solus. My Budgie setup, atm. "Theme is life and so does consistent wifi connectivity", lolz! tyvm to the devs and contributors for the splendid OS. 😃
jujey Openbox - my clean setup, no bar Firefox - my clean firefox, startpage and userChrome.css by me
kuki plasma is super nice but my choice is budgie ... for the last month i have been in a mac mojave mood
JohannPopper eye4bear So sorry I missed your request over a month ago. It's the Numix Circle Icon set obviously, but with custom folder type and colours from the numix-folders script <>. If memory serves, the colours were just sampled from Adwaita++ folders: Style 2, Custom Colour Primary -- #CBB8A9 Secondary -- #AA9889 Symbol -- #918479
Benny use the Solus kde theme , buuf plasma icons and a Solus wallpaper. I try to put the screenshot here but i get always error and say please relaod but it don't work ?