plasma is super nice but my choice is budgie ... for the last month i have been in a mac mojave mood

eye4bear So sorry I missed your request over a month ago. It's the Numix Circle Icon set obviously, but with custom folder type and colours from the numix-folders script <>. If memory serves, the colours were just sampled from Adwaita++ folders:

Style 2, Custom Colour

Primary -- #CBB8A9
Secondary -- #AA9889
Symbol -- #918479

use the Solus kde theme , buuf plasma icons and a Solus wallpaper.
I try to put the screenshot here but i get always error and say please relaod but it don't work ?

    Benny It's likely too big the file size limit is 2MB, try resizing or upload to a image host.

    10 days later

    For the first time in many years, I switched to a light theme. I fell in love with Plata Lumine. I moved all my solarized dark themed software (terminal and editors) to solarized light, and I had to change to a more light wallpaper.

      polomi For the first time in many years, I switched to a light theme.

      For the first time in my life, I switched to a dark theme a few weeks ago. I figured, if it was great enough to be Solus' default, maybe I was missing out on something. Yesterday I changed one computer back to Palata Lumine, and will change the others as soon as I get done with other commitments today.

      With the dark theme, it's too hard for me to tell where an app's GUI ends and a dialog begins. It isn't easy to tell one area of some apps from another area. It makes using Thunderbird for email difficult.

      I understand and agree with the idea that a darker screen is easier on the eyes, but the brightness control is easy to use, and utilities like redshift and night light settings (or "computer" glasses) can also make the screen easier on the eyes. Since I changed to a light theme on this laptop, Thunderbird is a pleasure to use once again.