mahir Nice wallpaper. Link pls!
Show your Solus
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sabarishwar Found it, Chrome makes it nice and easy.
Edit, it's in this gallery, open fully.
I did find it with help from Justin!!!:
Compiz is ok.
skandyns you can have compiz in budgie?
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skandyns Compiz is nice and all but it doesn't recognize the plata-noir theme, and i get a weird default window decoration in some applications, like firefox.
EDIT: fixed that by running
gsettings set org.gnome.metacity.theme type metacity
gsettings set org.gnome.metacity.theme type plata
the last concern i have is the buggy panel that randomly freezes graphically (clicking on icons and right click contextual menus work, but no indication on opened apps / icon tray).
Edit: Added code tags for clarity.
GTK Theme: Qogir-light
Icons: la-capitaine-icon-theme
Paired with Plank on the right screen.
[unknown] Minimal, nice!
my desktop.
[unknown] Nice wallpaper