Note: I'd suggest converting it to JPG using something like GIMP first, PNGs tend to be quite large and hit the 2MB upload limit.

Hooray, there it is!
That's my current desktop - clean and colorful.
Lake Tahoe.


Nothing special (Click to enlarge)

3x 1920x1080 monitors (5760x1080) So it's going to be hard to see.

A lot of people here seem good with customising their desktop so I post this in the hope one of you would know how to adjust Plasma panel's uniformly. As you can see the middle panel is smaller than the other two. I'm hoping I'm missing a setting or there is a config file someone can point me to instead of doing it by eye manually.

Whoever has the answer gets... a 🏆️ ? xD

    • [deleted]

    Another annoyance is the clock padding if you keep the clock centered i dont notice but if i move to the right where the rest of the applets are i atleast notice it! 🤣

    Harvey Nice! I've bookmarked that to grab some tomorrow!

    IAMISSAM Opera is my main browser. Chrome for Netflix and Amazon Prime, Firefox for certain sites that don't load well on Opera and that I don't want to load with Chrome.

    Yes, it works very well, except just a sudent strange black screen with vlc while playing video that force me to hard shuting down my laptop, so I uninstalled it and installed gnome-mpv. 😅

    Same issue occurs with Budgie . Don't know wats the issue with VLC but hey Gnome-MPV rocks.