Solus with Nimdow window manager and custom statusbar, fetch ect..
Show your Solus
A bit different than I used to. A very simple icon theme.
So I made a mimalism Solus OS wallpaper to match the color scheme and icons.
THX UncleSpellbinder for the wallpaper !
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Solus OS - Gnome
Minimalism again - Now with a cat!
My Phoenix icon theme is taking form, so I made a video of it in action (with scandinavian music )
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Found another great minimalistic wallpaper. It's on purpose I choose a differrent kind of color to the icons, because it would be to much blue.
SethStorm666 That's a nice one.
Minimalism solar system wallpaper -
SethStorm666 Budgie with Plank?
No, Gnome with Plank
I know there's Dash to dock plugin, but I like plank.
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Hey folks ! :
Theme : Arc-dark-solid
Icons : Papirus
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Franjus80 the simpler the better, very nice, and I never get tired of ark either. welcome to the forum.
"in theory" 2 MB is the cutoff size of a jpeg/png upload into these reply boxes, but from experience it's much, much smaller. It's the arrow button at the bottom of the compose box to upload a pic.
Franjus80 sorry, preview with code doesn't work here...)
--not sure what you mean but I found you a way around that hopefully EDIT: and nemo has a resize plugin to handle that if it's big. (I'm assuming gnome is nemo..)
Playing with sway
Fantasy setup on Budgie DE.
very nice. I like looking at screenshots like that.
I don't bother myself though. I always leave my desktop as it is. For me it's just a work tool. But I admire the people who do this kind of work
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