Really like the logo, but it glithes when you swipe between the desktop and the workspace view =(

    Switched back to Gnome because my Nvidia don't play nice in Plasma -_-
    Anyway, here's a screenshot with custom made icons to fit AI made wallpaper.

    Remaining "budgieaddict" at the moment, and eagerly awaiting for wayland integration.

    The next one is an icon experiment. I'm not sure if I should build it for Plasma or Gnome/Budgie.

    I decided to build them first for Gnome/Budgie/XFCE as they share the same icon structure.
    Here's a blue version of it on Solus - Gnome. I don't know how long it will take. A couple of months behaps for a release.

    5 days later

    infinitymdm living in the age of hubble, chandra and a half a dozen others is astounding.
    I have Mercury and Venus pics like this that are viscerally stunning on a desktop.

    [**black holes and swirling galaxies are also stunning but none of them exist with an acceptable big screem resolution. yet.]

      Fun fact: You can get sunburn only on the half of your face if you stand in the right position on the moon 😛