I just use a wooden background - a hobby of mine is tinker around building wooden furniture.
I am just tossing this on here for the update to Solus 4 Fortitude

Justin Sure, it's gnome-terminal launched at startup with a specific profile (for the transparent background and window name) and sticked on desktop via devilspie2 with a simple script:

if (get_window_name()=="desktop-terminal") then

look at my Solus 4 Budgie desktop - now using fractional scaling

How are you guys uploading or embedding puctures over here?

When uploading i get the following error: Oops! Something went wrong. Please reload the page and try again.

    Look at my Solus 4 Budgie desktop - now using fractional scaling

    A test image

    bvdlingen Means you're uploading an image that is too large (in file size). It has to be below 2mb.

    Solus 4 fresh install 🙂

    • Fonts: SFNS text
    • Icons : Papirus+Sweet Blue Folders with Papirus inherit
    • Terminal: Powerline Fonts installed
    • Panels: 1Panel+Global Menu - 2Panel dock mode

      Just recently switched over to KDE edition.

      Numix theme and icons. Just looking through all the stuff you can change is honestly a little .. Overwhelming. Still trying to figure out what I really like.

      Side note: How do you stop pinned apps from moving when you open them?

      bvdlingen Save the screenshot as jpg you will see how it drops in size compared to png