Yes, raven is still there. I think you cannot disable it all together. I never use raven menu when I am on budgie.
The budgie panels give me the outside gaps. So when I maximize a window, I dont use up the full screen. Just a design choice. I am very used to the shortcuts super+up/down/left/right. The window shuffler is just used for the tiling. Currently, I uninstalled the shuffler again since I rarely use more than two windows on one workspace.
I was already living in i3 and bspwm in the past. While setting up/customizing is fun, I was interested in getting similar results without the process of installing an additional wm and everything it needs (just modifying what you get with a bare install). I just took a polybar config I had somewhere and used it on budgie.
What I have done doesnt make sense really. It just serves the purpose of tinkering 😄
But sadly, my laptop (e480) died couple days ago. Had a short for some reason where the power inlet is (which is close to the lcd hinge) and something caused a spark, than a flame and than smoke... RIP
So, no linux for me currently. Thinking of getting a x270 refurbished or a tablet, since I still have a proper pc too. But linux on a tablet is a totally different story.