I'm a weeb.
Sue me.
Show your Solus
calls his lawyer.
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my desktop looks pretty much the same as before, except with wobbly!
this gnome extension is at least as good as the old compiz one and 99.5% as good as the kwin one
thers another compiz extension as well but its nowhere near as good
Just installed good old xsnow for some winter/christmas atmosphere. Maybe something for the solus repo ?
New laptop, new Budgie set up. Korla icons, Orchis Dark, and Rei.
Solus Budgie
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Always the same wallpaper, Vertex gtk theme and GmusicBrowser provides me desktop gadget above all windows.
I started to getting more into tiling window managers
maveonair i dont want tiling and window managing i just want that border less apps do u know how can i get those????
physicist164 I think this depends on the Window Manager or Desktop Environment you choose. Someone of them allows you to disable the border for running apps. Which WM or DE do you use?
physicist164 you might be able to do that with Openbox or another minimalist/configurable stacking window manager
I am damn practical and simple: just make it handy for day to day computing, work and bit of music. Lovely.
Hi, I'm new to Solus and I'm very happy, it's the only distro that I have no problems with with wireless headphones and I love plasma.
maveonair budgie
I have customized a bit my original Budgie experience with the addition of some theming from the software store's repositories (the preferred easy way). This is where I leave it at, it is perfect for me, I am satisfied with its outcome.