*this is the dateline of your ars technica article: JIM SALTER - 10/29/2019, 4:00 AM
*this is the date of the last comment: MAR 13, 2020 9:49 AM.
*Author has [UPDATED] after the title, and his update is undated...but it starts "soon after my story asrock offered me....."
*Apparently you download the amd tester"If you're a Linux user, you can download rdrand-test.zip," and ran it because you said you did.
*the entire article was about the ryzen 3000
I guess I'm saying that you are saying there's still a dangerous amd microcode vulnerability still unpatched in the wild after being known about for 3 years? And you have it?
Doesn't seem likely but I know some things don't get patched for years. I wonder what the dealio is about the ryzen 3000?
As an intel user I'm not inclined to investigate beyond this. Maybe someone can confirm or deny.