Almost done with Black Mesa. Splitgate off and on when I can find time. Really like the steam controller.
What are you playing now?
from repo
Staudey I wonder how many Arch fans have been disappointed!
well, i finished half life (goldsource, not the source version) last month......started its sequel half-life 2 and and already reached the chapter 'sandtraps'
[deleted] you ever watch Tremors?
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Neumie I'm playing Monster Hunter: Rise as well.
I've recently unlocked ٭6 village quests. I'm rocking the Power Gasher I switch axe and Nargacuga armour set (the evade extender armour skill is amazing for switch axe, I can roll after the beasties like a madman).
I love the series, it's great that it's no longer exclusive to the consoles, and we can play it on PC.
MH: R has pulled me away from other games tho (it's really engrossing), because of it I am still yet to finish AC: Odyssey.
I've also been playing some deathmatch / free for all in Quake Live. I gotta say, the game's still got it. I've picked it up at the recent Steam sale. Thanks to Homer's EU based FFA server, playing online in this game is viable for me.
It's nice to boot it up, and frag it out for a match or two, for some quick and intense burst of fun.
synth-ruiner Val, Earl and the town of Perfection have been in my top 10 of all time since it was released...
Right now I'm playing Baldur's Gate 3 and Divinity 2: Original Sin. Been a lot of fun with these titles.
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I liked Firewatch.
Want to replay Fallout 1 and Another World, and try out This War of Mine and Disco Elysium.
Divinity 2: Original Sin. Haven't played the first one, but so far im 60 hours in and absolutely loving it. However I did fuck up the character skills and everything and now it feels like my characters are like average at best and my last 3 hours of gameplay have been spent trying to look for a way to get EXP so I can level up, cus Im getting my ass kicked by everyone.
Still, fantastic game. I'll make sure to check other games from the studio.
synth-ruiner sorry,i dont know what it is.......
duck search says its a horror movie?
noise617 I liked Firewatch.
is it true that the game contains way lot of heavy language? i have seen some people talk regarding this on steam forums.
[deleted] yeah, it's a movie where huge killer sandworms are living underneath the desert, and people have to avoid stepping on the sand so the worms won't notice them. a pretty obvious inspiration for the antlions in half-life 2
Currently playing "The Division" with two friends. An old game that we received for free or dirt cheap (can't remember) a couple months ago. It's entertaining, but I don't really like level-based shooters (i.e. when enemies and weapons/equipment have danger resp. quality levels, and you can't simply defeat a human opponent with a shot to the head). Also there are severe texture streaming issues. At first I thought it only affects me, due to my old hardware, but then my friend with a much newer PC also had the same problems. That's Ubisoft for you, I guess.
P.S. That game has such an overloaded HUD that we disabled pretty much everything that could be disabled (thankfully most of it). Otherwise you can have problems making out the game world through the dense screen of information, some of which bobs with your character's movement
I've been playing some Apex Legends. It's great that it's finally playable on Linux (they've enabled Proton EAC support about a week or so ago).
Today, the game even became officially Steam Deck verified.
It works with Proton 7.0 and Proton Experimental. Proton EasyAntiCheat Runtime also needs to be installed in Steam.
I used the DXVK state cache from here to get rid of excessive stutters. The game runs well with my GTX 1070 at 1080p, I'm getting ~ 80 FPS during the descent / jumping phase, and ~ 100-110 FPS during regular gameplay.
It's a fun game, although I'm absolutely terrible at it.
I'm also playing Vampire Survivors. Lots of fun to be had for an astonishingly low price.
Junglist I'm also playing Vampire Survivors. Lots of fun to be had for an astonishingly low price.
Oh nice, I recently saw that in a video and was almost tempted to buy it. Now after looking at it again I might actually do it ^^
synth-ruiner oh seriously...? thats insane! i might give the movie a try.....
so i guess valve got their idea for 'sandtraps' form this movie?