flatpak permissions
Table Object App Permissions Data
background background com.github.Eloston.UngoogledChromium no 0x00
background background com.github.tchx84.Flatseal yes 0x00
background background org.godotengine.Godot yes 0x00
background background us.zoom.Zoom yes 0x00
notifications notification com.github.Eloston.UngoogledChromium no 0x00
notifications notification com.github.tchx84.Flatseal yes 0x00
notifications notification io.github.Hexchat no 0x00
notifications notification org.godotengine.Godot yes 0x00
notifications notification us.zoom.Zoom yes 0x00
$ flatpak permission-show us.zoom.Zoom
Table Object App Permissions Data
background background us.zoom.Zoom yes 0x00
notifications notification us.zoom.Zoom yes 0x00
As you can see, chrome didn't need permissions set ootb, so you were right to wonder.
But no amount of Flatseal trial and error (including hosts etc) seem to let it launch.
this picture was premature as 'open link' takes a couple seconds to highlight. When selected it does nothing. In all three of my browsers....
With xdg-open
given permissions with or without Flatseal, it still won't launch.
I still think your permissions theory is valid but now I'm wondering if I need to CHMOD/CHOWN the execuatable..? Or app? Do flatpaks have executables?
edit: I shouldn't whine as the browser experience still works it's just I really hate the browser experience and really love the standalone app experience...