Fatih19 You know it's a secluded place when you don't know where on earth is MAllorca nor what it is.
dbarron Oh my god, and I'm running Plasma as primary Solus desktop, the sky is falling, I shall have to run Budgie for three weeks (and then another week for before anything comes to stable). Have a good vacation 😄
JoshStrobl @[deleted] @Fatih19 Keep on-topic or next time it'll be account suspensions. Tired of having to go through and delete your comments. @Girtablulu I hope you enjoy your vacation, it's well deserved! I hope you come back rejuvenated and maybe more importantly, a tan 😛
Christoph3 Enjoy your vacations and thanks for all the support you have given. Maybe next time you try Portugal to your vacations spot 🙂
Arrense Have a good vacation homie. Huge fan of your work out here. If you like coffee the Spanish got some good stuff out there.