brent I have lived with outdated BIOS in all my machines in my linux life (circa '16) because I hear it is notoriously dangerous in Linux.
The reason a BIOS update under Linux might be "notoriously dangerous" is twofold: (a) except for a few major manufacturers that offer Linux computers, few manufacturers support BIOS updates in Linux with manufacturer-provided, verified processes, so users often have to resort to untested, maybe half-baked methods, and (b) screwing up a BIOS flash can brick your computer.
However, you have a dual-boot Linux/Windows build, so you don't have to try to use Linux for the BIOS update, You can boot Windows (be sure to change the BIOS boot menu to put Windows Boot Manager on top of the stack before you do so, so that the computer will reboot into Windows during/after the flash install, then change it back to Linux Boot Manager) and update BIOS as needed.
Is a BIOS update worth it? I don't know. Most of the time, BIOS updates fix bugs (important) or provide support for new hardware (meh except when you install new hardware that isn't supported by the old BIOS).
My preference is to keep BIOS updated on all my computers. But that's easy for me. I use computers from an OEM that offers excellent support across the board, including Windows/Linux BIOS updates, so I don't have to worry. Given your rig, you might.
It is your call, but if you decide to update your BIOS, I'd suggest doing it in Windows.