Hello All.
Sorry if this was discussed. I couldn t find the information I needed.
In distributions such as Fedora or Salix, after updating the system, it is necessary, ie very desirable, to take care of the configuration files. There are corresponding utilities (rpmconf in Fedora, and dotnew in Salix).
Is there something similar in Solus, or do I need to search for updated configuration files myself?
I will be very grateful for the answer.

Is there something similar in Solus


do I need to search for updated configuration files myself?

Are you talking about a specific application? Unless you're making changes to system configuration files, there shouldn't be any changes you need to make.

    in my 3-4 years on solus theres never been anything like that. i can see why you're asking though, i briefly tried manjaro and there was all this stuff about .pacnew files, which i just ignored cos i didnt know what it was, and that broke the system beyond repair. no such thing on solus as josh says

    Every day I marvel at the fact that I am using Solus for months and months on, without having to meddle with system breakages of any kind. Thanks Solus Team! 😁

    JoshStrobl Sometimes I still edit the configuration files in / etc. I don t need it now, but I would still like to know it for the future. Did I understand correctly: if I edit /etc/speech-dispatcher/speechd.conf (suddenly I need to change some settings for all users?), Then when updating Speech-dispatcher the file will simply be overwritten?

      bmivzkrp Unless the software developer provides a mechanism to allow for separate configuration files provided by the user or OS to be included / loaded, or the package is stateless (as in, we have patched the software to support a different vendor-specific path, then have either global system-wide path, typically /etc, and local configuration, such as in .config) then it should be assumed that it will get overwritten during a package upgrade.

        JoshStrobl Could you give me more information? It turned out that the questions were more than I expected.
        Please write about the differences in the structure of system files and directories between Solus and other distributions. I would like to understand the logic of this, because, for example, I see that the configuration files are located in /usr/share/default, but some are located in /usr/share/default/etc. Is there any document that describes this in detail?
        I also see that in ld.so.conf - /usr/share/ld.so.conf.d and /etc/ld.so.conf.d. I would like to understand where it would be best to create ld.so.conf.d.
        I would also be interested to know about all the differences, as I build from the source code of Orca-Master as well as RHVoice-Master, in order to test this software. Sometimes you have to build other software from source, so this information would be useful.
        I will be very grateful for your help.