With the addition of telemetry in Linux Mint, I am looking to switch to another distro for use as LiveCD. While researching this, I found:


I was wondering if the no telemetry in Solus response (mentioned in this thread) is still valid? Has the telemetry embedded in the desktops (KDE, Gnome, Plasma) been purged prior to inclusion? Thanks.

    Solus on the OS level does not implement any telemetry measures. However, that does not stop any specific software that you might install that may use its own telemetry, i.e. Firefox collects telemetry data (it is an option you can turn on or off).

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    OldCoot Where did you get that information?

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    OldCoot Mint's main website doesnt say anything about it, not even their latest blog post. Where did you get the info from?