I'm extremely unqualified for this so just going off minimal compiling (I have 2 under my belt) experience.
"To start the client manually enter the following terminal commands:
$ cd ~/BOINC
$ ./run_client --daemon
$ ./run_manager"
OF COURSE you are thwarted at the last step. linux is lucy, charlie brown, and the football sometimes.
Is the file libwebkitgtk-1.0.so.0 inside the repo libwebkit-gtk package? Or the devel package? If all answers are yes I wonder if this 'Berkeley Method' had a permissions snag somewhere?
Their 'Building from Source' looked more familiar to the methods of outside-repo packages in these threads. That method, seems to omit 'sudo' from some of the commands so which ones? (This from compiling a couple packages similarly from memory). Seems to tie in nicely to my permissions theory.
As to what is happening exactly when you execute the /run command? It's running in b/g but no GUI?
Also saw a boinc package in Snap.