Harvey Is it supposed to change for existing installs? Mine did not change

Mine did change, I got the update this morning.

dalto you can never please everyone 🙂

reg the blur, I'd love to have it the same blur but that's not possible as far as I can see (unless there is sone voodoo magic which can be done) as it works right now, first the black area gets rendered via panel-background and on top of this gets the plasmaoidheader added, so this causes the issue with the lack of blur.

I have to be careful with the opacity level because it suddenly turns into a diff color because the dark area behind it starts coming through etc.

jrsilvey no bad feelings, the theme function could need a rewrite you have tones of legacy stuff no one really knows anymore how this stuff works and they dont wanna touch it, so yea for me is most of the time hey and error and look at the breeze stuff how it may work.

I know plasma devs are working on a function to set your own colors in a more simple way but when this is ready I dont know

Got transparency back, but when you have a window maximised on that screen transparency goes away

Apparently this is called "Adaptive Transparency". If you do not like this and want it always transparent you can set it to "Translucent". See this video:

that weird border around the kickoff menu is now fixed in unstable, you may have to remove .cache folder in home and restart plasmashell (plasmashell --replace & ) to load it correctly.

And if you do not like the opaque turning of the pannel, check @Harvey linked video how to deactivate it

2 months later

Yesterday I installed Solus Plasma, everything was fine until I run my first full system upgrade and I noticed that the solus-dark plasma style (the theme that affects the panel and widgets) is missing the mouse hover effect (blue background highlight), as shown in this video:

Note that the light theme is working fine. That highlight effect is also applied when navigating with the keyboard arrows, its very difficult to navigate without a visual feedback. The bug also affects hidden icons in the system tray and the alternative application menus.

    I don't know if I can ask it here, but here it comes... since the theme creator comes here, I want to know how can I make the "notification widget" use smaller icons, using breeze theme makes them a bit smaller, but Solus theme don't...
    I love Solus Dark theme btw. Great work!

      YuriTheHenrique don't know exactly what you mean but gonna have a look. Solus-KDE theme is using breeze as the engine as well as the window decorations, so a bit surprise if you say they are bigger icons

      €: Can you provide a screenshot?

        Girtablulu Yes, sorry for the delay, not much free time.

        May it be a bug? I remember kde always had bigger icons there too, but this time it is perfectly smaller...

          Girtablulu I searched a little bit more, and came to this:

          and messing with the panel a bit, I found that it is there, and that's how breeze makes them smaller... while other themes don't, maybe next versions of plasma will introduce for other widget themes. Sorry for taking your time 😛.