Solarmass Ohh Saucy!

Marxi Thanks, loved it! I don't have much experience in inkscape, I used gimp to create original Budgie logo svg back then, it was a nightmare, I don't even know how exacly we did it, but we did... I'm useless with vectors.

brent it is because the screenshot app places your mouse pointer off the screen, top left to be exact, and budgie-menu is thinking you are hovering it...

    YuriTheHenrique Vector art is like using the selection tool to create shapes~ In my case what made the experience a bit harder to adapt wasn't the tools, but the shortcuts I'm used to being so different between something like Krita/PS and Inkscape/AI (And even between these two there's almost no matching shortcut) 😅

    Off-topic: I honestly can't enjoy using GIMP, it's been more than a decade since I last tried it because it felt so confusing to me...

      Marxi Gimp has changed quite a lot, much more stable and easy to use now.
      But still, photoshop is quicker/efficient.

      About vectors, all I know is arithmetic vectors... I'm more like Pixel perfect and that old things.

        YuriTheHenrique I just miiiiiight give Gimp another chance sometime then hahaha

        Solarmass Try either increasing or reducing the panel size, I noticed it only adjusts icon size at a few points. Also, without the circle it looks really fine!

          Marxi Try either increasing or reducing the panel size, I noticed it only adjusts icon size at a few points.

          or export image file with a bigger transparent border area

          Also, without the circle it looks really fine!

          actually the circle is still there, it is just black. I was a little bit lazy 😆

          5 months later

          Andril not sure (I am not an Inkscape pro user). Just save the image from the 1st post and open it in Inkscape. It should be transparent 😉

          2 years later

          Thank you! I really like the grey ones. Would be nice to take them into the offical desktop-branding 🙂

          2 months later

          I like to the panel with WhiteSur theme:

          Top panel with this applets: