UPDATE: Since Solus 4.3, screen tearing is gone! FOR GOOD!
Although there's a little trick to do, since after the installation of the required drivers (plus their 32-bit version as well) the tearing is still there, at least now there's a fully working solution (which, in combo with nvidia-optimus-manager, a tool written in Python that emulates optimus-manager, and gives you total control on what GPU to use and in which mode, if iGPU only, dGPU or Hybrid) that, in my particular scenario with an MX250 and an Intel UHD 620, it fully works as expected!
For all to work, first of all install the required NVIDIA proprietary drivers from DoFlicky (also the 32-bit version as well) on a clean environment (better to actually format everything and install Solus 4.3 before) then reboot.
If you notice some tearing, you're on the right road! Now, you have to enable NVIDIA's DRM module by opening a terminal and copy/paste the following two command, one each:
echo "nvidia-drm.modeset=1" | sudo tee /etc/kernel/cmdline.d/50-nvidia-drm.conf
sudo clr-boot-manager update
Now reboot, and enjoy!
If you also wanna take advantage of the dual GPU setup (since you're only gonna use the dGPU by default), you'll need an additional program, quoted before, nvidia-optimus-manager. I made a video on how to install it months ago, so you can either follow that up
On the official GitHub page or by following the video I did on the argument. I'm super happy to finally see this problem as fixed! If you have any questions, please write those in my PM just so I can help you out!