nathanpainchaud henri The first entry you get when searching for swappiness on the forum (at the top of the page) is this post, which should answer your question.
Renard henri 🙂 Add this command to your terminal: echo vm.swappiness=5 | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/99-swappiness.conf
WetGeek nathanpainchaud searching for swappiness In all honesty, that's not what I would have searched for. I'd have probably used something like "swap priority," both of which are real words.
Brucehankins WetGeek swapiness is a real computing's also kind of like Febtober, my favorite month.
henri Renard Ok, I was having problems where the sysctl.conf file (which I used to edit in Fedora) was empty, thanks for the help.
brent Brucehankins Febtober, my favorite month Sean Connery, Celebrity Jeopardy, SNL when it was funny🙂 I still watch them...
WetGeek brent I still watch them... Good shows never die ... they just slowly fade away into syndication. We still enjoy stuff on BritBox that's so old it's in black and white. If the show's any good, you don't even miss the color.
brent WetGeek Good shows never die ... they just slowly fade away into syndication Amen to that. Note to our UK members: Fawlty Towers raised the bar so ridiculously high for comedy I never watched another from across the pond again😉. (drama yes, comedy no)
synth-ruiner WetGeek We still enjoy stuff on BritBox that's so old it's in black and white. If the show's any good, you don't even miss the color. big fan of The Twilight Zone here 🙂
Junglist brent Not even Peep Show? That show is a classic, you should check it out. It's a down-to-earth dark comedy shot from a first-person point of view.
brent Junglist It's a down-to-earth dark comedy shot from a first-person point of view. SOLD. Will find.