In the last days a Solus OS update came.

Now I have problems with Firefox and Chrome to open Video-Streaming-Webseites. In Firefox I got an 100001 error.
In Chrome there is a similar error code.

I try to watch the video on TV. I connected my laptop via HDMI to my TV-Screen, to watch the video-stream. Now I only see the mirrored screen of my laptop. The sound is coming out of my laptop.

Last week, before the update of Solus OS, I could connect the laptop via HDMI to the TV and I had sound on TV (via HDMI)

What is wrong? What is missing?

    I don't know, I don't use HDMI, good luck with it, hopefully you will find an answer.
    Doing some googling I found this, kernel related issue?, A temporally solution could be using the lts kernel, install it with sudo eopkg it linux-lts and select it wen booting.

    Did you check in the audio device configuration which output is selected when you're connected via HDMI? Make sure HDMI output is selected. Sometimes for whatever reason the default output doesn't always automatically change to HDMI for me, maybe this is your issue too..

    • [deleted]

    wmcig I think the device doesn't get changed when you hook your lappy to a TV. If you're using Budgie, you can select the output device via Raven.

    Thank you all for your replies.

    Yesterday a Firefox update came around. I tried to open a streaming website to watch a video as a stream. It works fine.
    In the evening I put the laptop on my TV via HDMI. Also the sound was on TV.

    I think, this was an Firefox issue and a browser bug.

    Playing DRM protected content on Firefox such as Netflix, spotify, hulu, disney+ etc was broken prior to the recent update which only added a patch to fix that issue (Its the same Firefox version). The patch added a string check for vp09. It only affected Firefox and had nothing to do with HDMI audio other than DRM protected content could not be played at all with Firefox.

    🤷‍♂️ So no idea what actually fixed it. But I am glad it is working again for you.