clauded It's a catch 22: setting autoenable to false disable the bluetooth devices in SDDM (but fixes the KDE bug).
clauded This is strange: I deleted /etc/bluetooth/main.conf and now BT works in SDDM and is enabled after login.
WetGeek clauded I deleted /etc/bluetooth/main.conf and now BT works in SDDM and is enabled after login. I found this curious ... I use BT earbuds with my Plasma laptop, and they've never failed to connect automatically.
Girtablulu clauded hum? okay that's a bit weird but glad it's solved @WetGeek Sddm is the plasma display manager, similar to lightdm on Budgie
WetGeek clauded earbuds are not really a problem with SDDM... I have no idea what SDDM is, but I'm pretty sure I'm glad that earbuds aren't an issue with it. Thanks!
HondaRulez [deleted] worked for me 😃 The problem probable the "_powered=false" suffix at the MAC addr.
[deleted] @HondaRulez I'm glad it did! It's good to know that there might be multiple solutions for the problem. : )