fresh install Solus Plasma everything seems "gucci" atm will reply again if anything happens

🙂 Kernel 5.11.6-174.current is working fine with my VAIO.

For those of you having issues, it would be appreciated if you would provide information about your hardware. I appreciate you saying you have issues, but I can't even start investigating it without knowing your hardware, let alone having logs from the likes of systemd (boot into 5.11, let it fail, boot back into 5.10, do sudo journalctl --boot=-1 > boot-log then put the log on pastebin).

Thanks @Leandros_Adigard, will take a look. Your possible issue here maybe, can cook a build next week for you to test.

    After the updates I have a permission problem with my samba share. The share is mounted via fstab:

    # Openwrt Transfer
    // /mnt/transfer cifs guest,uid=1000,_netdev,noauto,x-systemd.automount,user,vers=1.0 0 0

    After the update the permissons of user shown in dolphin is "65534", group is "nobody".
    So, I'm unable to create or copy anything on the share.
    I rollback the updates and everythings fine again.

    But, I don't know, if this is a problem with the kernel or an other update.

      JoshStrobl While I appreciate some individual attention, don't break your back... unless the cooked build will be genuinely helpful for you on the dev side. I'm sometimes hanging out on IRC too as root_directory. Feel free to hit me up there.


      Look like it's something with my mounting in fstab.
      If I use smb:// via dolphine everything is fine

      HP EliteBook 2740p
      Intel Core i5-540m
      8GB DDR3
      Crash/hang shortly after booting into Budgie, consistent with 5.4.x kernels and in opposition to 5.10.x kernels, which would usually run for extended periods of time before hanging.
      4.14.x LTS works as expected still.

      This kernel message seems salient:
      i915 [drm] ERROR Failed to wait for idle; VT'd may hang.

      Related discussion on

        Everything has been working very well on my end, the only slight change i've notice is sporadic extremly breif screen tearing / flickering. It's almost unnoticeable because its so quick, and it doesn't occur too often, just the only thing i've personally noticed. Other wise all fine.

        Running on a 3 year old HP spectre x360 and the KDE desktop

        I have hp15-bw011nt and I have RTL8723DE wifi card so I need at least the kernel of 5.10.12.
        Now it is upgraded to 5.11, it seems no problem at all.

        I hate to do this, but I can no longer edit my prior post.

        This discussion highlighted the kernel command to turn off the intel_iommu for the igfx.

        I wrote it out using the discussion here:

        On kernel 5.11.6-174.current for over 9hr now under normal to heavy load, and no random hangs/freezes. Without this option, I would typically hang/freeze within a minute of boot/login of Solus on the 5.11.x kernels. Suspend/reusme, sleep/wake, shutdown/reboot, and hibernate/restore all work, which is in stark contrast to other 5.11.x kernels.

        Other improvements from 4.14.x LTS like way faster WiFi performance and cooler running CPU remain, even with that kernel config option.

        6 days later

        Failure here : amdgpu not initializing.
        Pastebin :
        My bootloader is OpenCore (PC faked to Mac) if that matters..
        Thks for the review!

        Previous message deals with Gnome on fortitude 4.2
        I have another install (just before 4.2) with KDE : this one boots with 4.11 without problem.
        So, it's not my rig.
        Sames cmdline : initrd=\EFI\com.solus-project\initrd-com.solus-project.current.5.11.6-174 root=PARTUUID=285f1dfe-6205-7c42-9314-7019815deee5 quiet loglevel=3 splash systemd.show_status=false rw radeon.si_support=0 radeon.cik_support=0 amdgpu.si_support=1 amdgpu.cik_support=1 systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=0 resume=UUID=d2be47e6-c044-43ed-88ce-a1d2514c269b

        Hi @JoshStrobl Sorry for missing this thread in the first instance so re-posted here as you suggested.
        I just installed Budgie 4.2 on my Mothers HP Notebook - 15-db0000na.
        After some fiddling around with the Bios settings I finally got the Live USB to boot.
        I installed Solus replacing the hopeless Windows 10.
        I rebooted and all was working great! 😄
        Solus updated and installed the new Kernel and some other bits n bobs.
        After I was done I turned off the laptop and thought Job done.
        When I turned on the Laptop this morning the screen backlight came on but nothing else happened.
        Pressing the space bar during the boot process presented me with options to boot the old kernel so I did and this time it booted up fine.
        I have wiped and reinstalled about three times.
        I swapped out the Hard drive incase it was failing as windows 10 was super slow but that made no difference
        I have done all the package updates and checked for Incomplete ones.
        I have done all the ctl-boot-manager stuff too but the v5.11.xx Kernel simply refuses to boot this Laptop. 😅
        inxi -F is here
        dmesg using the com.solus-project.current.5.10.12-171 Kernel is here
        I have this kernel set to default for now so no issues so far booting and using the Laptop.

          Upgraded from 4.2 iso right after fresh install and the best thing every that RTL8723DE driver is now included 👍, no issues so far.
          Great work guys 👏👏❤️