I would also take @WetGeek 's advice:

sudo eopkg check
sudo eopkg up

you should always start troubleshooting, as he said, from a clean slate: updated system, no broken packages

Palladiniu sudo: eopkg: command not found

This is pretty unambiguous. It appears that eopkg is not present, further supporting my suspicion that your system is incomplete and not up-to-date. If I were in your situation, I'd probably reinstall Solus again, and then run an update, being careful to make sure that it ran to completion. Because eopkg is an inherent and important part of Solus and it's definitely what you need in order to install software packages.

    WetGeek (absence of this package, if true, will be about the weirdest thing I've seen in a long time🙂. I was wondering if it failed to locate eopkg, then I thought, "no how could that happen? " Can you have the packages and not the package manger? I believe you may be right.

    Palladiniu [palladaini@storm-os-01 ~]$

    brent What's an XFCE terminal?

    XFCE is a fairly lightweight DE that I've used on several other distros. It provides its own terminal emulator, as do other DEs. I have no idea why anyone would want to install it on Solus, except maybe out of curiosity. As far as I know, it should work, but so does the terminal that Solus already provides.

    Another possibility is that he wasn't running on Solus at the time these commands failed. It would be natural for another distro to complain that it doesn't know about eopkg if that were the case.

      WetGeek likely even more variables...it's unambiguous that terminal output didn't know what eopkg was, agree.

      (I took MXLinux with XFCE for a week long test drive. Eh, ok).

      The EFCE Terminal was what was installed on Solus

      Palladiniu I am running the Solus Storm OS

      It's admirable that you want to explore Linux distributions, but this thread is giving me the impression that your number of installed distros has exceeded your grasp of Linux at this stage of your exploring. There is no such thing as "Solus Storm OS." There's just plain Solus, available with 4 different desktop editions, Budgie, Gnome, MATE, and Plasma. None of them has anything to do with "Storm."

      EDIT: By the way, nothing I've written should be taken to mean that there's anything wrong with being new to Linux, or needing help to solve problems. We were all new at some point. But you would be better off to adopt one distro or another for a while, and learn to become competent with it. Then explore others, if you're interested.

      Palladiniu I am running the Solus Storm OS

      Reading this thread, I am wondering whether you are running Solus.

      Could run this command in the terminal, and report the results?

      lsb_release -a

      Example command format:
      tomscharbach@dell-ts-7280-solus ~ $ lsb_release -a

      If you are running Solus, you should get a result something like this:
      LSB Version: 1.4
      Distributor ID: Solus
      Description: Solus
      Release: 4.2
      Codename: fortitude

      elfprince Yes but he doesn't know what packager manager does the system have. He can't install it.
      I could try also cat /etc/*release*

        algent I think you had it right with the arch package called 'stormos.' The solus may have been a brain fart as I get all the time. That would explain rejection of sudo and rejection of eopkg in the xfce terminal at least.

          brent I think you had it right with the arch package called 'stormos.'

          That does sound right.

          If you and algent are right about StormOS , my guess is that "Solus" results from confusion with an earlier OS (long defunct) also called "Storm OS" that used the Solaris kernel.

          Whatever the case, when Palladiniu runs lsb_release -a or cat /etc/release and reports back, we'll have a better idea about what is going on.

            tomscharbach those linguistic articles of repetition the brain could trip over and re-arrange----thanks for understanding me there. We all have done it at some point. xfce.org has xfce terminal tarball downloads so who knows?
            We all chipped in a little time to solve the mystery, so look forward to what OP can confirm, as well.

            24 days later

            brent I copied and pasted you first lin and this is what I got
            palladaini@storm-os-01 ~]$ sudo eopkg it kdenlive
            [sudo] password for palladaini:
            sudo: eopkg: command not found
            [palladaini@storm-os-01 ~]$

            I did this command - cat /etc/release and got this-
            palladaini@storm-os-01 ~]$ cat /etc/release
            Arch Linux release
            DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Arch Linux"
            NAME=Storm OS
            VERSION="Storm OS"
            ID=Storm OS
            PRETTY_NAME="Storm OS"
            SUPPORT_URL="https://sourceforge.net/p/storm-os/discussion/"[palladaini@storm-os-01 ~]$

              Palladiniu It's like we expected, you're not using Solus. The distribution you're using is Storm OS, which is not affiliated in any way with the Solus project.

              If you wish to install Solus, you can download it at this location:

              It appears that the distribution you're currently using is based on Arch Linux, so the package manager is called pacman.

              If you want to continue using Storm OS, refer to Arch Wiki for more info. Here's the page for pacman.