pyrotek45 I own a copy of bitwig but I did not choose to upgrade to the most recent version, thus I cannot use the one currently in your repo, however I still own up to bitwig version 3.2.8. Is there an easy way to install an older version properly?
algent pyrotek45 Only if you package it yourself. Here is the link. EDIT: Simply extracting it is woking. Uninstall current installation of bitwig-studio and then you can run these commands in terminal: wget sudo eopkg it binutils ar xf bitwig-studio-3.2.8.deb sudo tar xfv data.tar.xz -C / rm control.tar.gz data.tar.xz debian-binary
pyrotek45 algent one more question, how would i un install something like this or any of the third party stuff from solus?
algent pyrotek45 You have to delete all files manually. If you remember this command line sudo tar xfv data.tar.xz -C / the v in xfv stand for verbose, it will report you every file that it has moved in your system. Most of the files will be in /opt/bitwig-studio/ folder so you can remove it entirely. Others are; /usr/bin/bitwig-studio /usr/share/applications/bitwig-studio.desktop /usr/share/mime/packages/bitwig-studio.xml /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/bitwig-studio.png /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/bitwig-studio.svg /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/mimetypes/application-bitwig*