JoshStrobl Thank you for reply. I understand about telegram. And I accept that. But smplayer never was part of KDE. And now it needs plenty number of packages from KDE. That's not good for me. If I understand correctly breeze it is only a theme for smplayer, not entire player.
Why smplayer and telegram got dependencies from KDE?
SMPlayer is the default video player for Solus Plasma Edition, naturally we would catered to that. We are, after all, about sane defaults. Hardly needs "plenty" of packages and it would be no more than what you'd already have on the very edition it is intended for.
SMPlayer is also a Qt application, so yeah, it's going to be pulling in Qt stuff.
JoshStrobl I understand that SMPlayer has to be a default to Plasma Edition. But SMPlayer itself never was KDE only. It is QT and can be used on any DE. And it doesn't hurt to be default for Plasma Edition. Why I need to install KDE packages for using SMPLayer? This is ridicules. I attached screenshot that shows what smplayer want to install.
I never claimed it was KDE only. For us however, SMPlayer is targetted towards the Plasma Edition. There are plenty of other video players, such as VLC and MPV / GNOME MPV, you are welcome to use those if you don't like adding KDE framework libs to your system, which is frankly a weird and random line in the sand to draw.
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It is very strange. May be I am not fully understand that. I used smplayer since I started use linux. I always work on GTK-based DEs because they doesn't use much PC resources. I started use budgie because it not so greedy for resources like Gnome now. And now to use an old program that never used KDE I need a stack of KDE packages that I don't need in my installed system.
AnimeSlave smplayer uses breeze as @JoshStrobl already mentioned, but breeze isn't just a theme it's a theme engine therefore it needs libraries to be working correctly and KDE is well known to have a bit of a strong dependency tree which is needed to get stuff running
AnimeSlave Instead of frettin' so much, there's more than one way to skin a cat...
--from the apps' homepage. Crack open the tarball, maybe there's a DIY install script.
Also: you can live with the kde packages and Breeze is lovely...just be thankful it didn't drag baloo onto your system. That would be the real tragedy
Girtablulu Thank you. I understand that. I don't understand why need integrate it in main package rather don't make separate package with name like smplayer-plasma-integration as like steam-integration and so. This is strange. I want to get apps works as they should like in other linux distributives. Only in solus I got some frustrations about packages.
brent KDE is resource greedy framework, I don't want it in my system. As it don't used by default in original app from apps' homepage. I feel it like why need to split distpibutives with separate DE in each if needed to install them in others anyway.
AnimeSlave you are really over-thinking this imho. I do it all the time.
AnimeSlave we do not pattern put everything and I'm not going to pattern out smplayer because I would need pattern out the patching I've done, additional Linux-steam-integration is an own software.
Girtablulu Sorry, but I don't understand the problem. Smplayer has three separate packages: main, themes and skins. I think there is no problem to create additional package for only patched files for Plasma.
AnimeSlave You're missing the point entirely. There's nothing to split out from the package for integration. smplayer
itself has been patched to use Breeze as the default theme and must have Breeze installed for that to work out of the box.
AnimeSlave I patched smplayer the way I wanted for the best integration for Plasma, if you wanna use it in whatever way you want to use it use eopkg it --ignore-dependency smplayer
with the install command in the terminal
Girtablulu That won't survive an update. It'll just pull in Breeze again.
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Girtablulu If you want best Plasma integration then fork it with another name. You took app that hasn't any KDE dependencies. I work with it for years and always got same result in any distributives I used before. Only here in Solus I had to ask what is going on.
Not going to happen, it is fine as is.