• Off-Topic
  • Pursuing Open Source Full-Time Development

Just a friendly reminder that I will not be streaming tomorrow as I have a dentist appointment at a conflicting time. I expect the streaming schedule to be Thursday and Friday, with the "B-side" post going out to Patreon on Friday night or Saturday.


  • so on the top is horizontal albums art list, maybe toggle/option to hide it?
  • the same background color in the song list looks bad
  • maybe add separators between albums?
  • I see 2 rows of albums, maybe as an alternative use the 2nd row for the large album cover and/or song lyrics + song info 💡
  • The top album list is intended to be favorited albums. As some mentioned in the stream, they have like 60 albums of a given artist thanks to all the live performances, so being able to favorite specific albums is beneficial. If there are no favorited albums for a given artist, it'd just default to showing them. No preference settings have been implemented yet so let's not get ahead of ourselves 😉
  • The styling is a WIP. As are the spacing and basically everything 😛
  • Song lyrics were voted to be a really low priority, wouldn't be implemented in that view at the very least. The intent is to show the albums in a flow box to maximize the use of screen real estate.

Thanks for the feedback!

    JoshStrobl The intent is to show the albums in a flow box to maximize the use of screen real estate.

    Well, an alternative, more traditional (compact) view with single playlist list would be nice to have. There could be a toggle/button/hotkey to change the view 💡

    JoshStrobl Thanks for the feedback!

    You are welcome!

    BTW I am curious how could you read such a tiny text on your 4K screen? 😮
    I am watching the video on 1080p 23' monitor.

    Dunno, just used to it by now. Only really ever increase the font size in places like the Terminal and editors when I'm doing streaming so folks can more easily see it on lower resolutions and smaller screen devices.

      Dev Diary 3: Koto February Progress Report (B-side) is now out for Patrons! If you're not a Patron and want to support my goal of full-time OSS dev, I encourage you to check out https://patreon.com/joshuastrobl

      Much love to all of those supporting me via Patreon and Liberapay ❤️

      kaktuspalme Yea now that I'm starting to get the hang of it (still tons to learn obviously), I am loving it.

      And Odysee was generous with me today.

      JoshStrobl Missed day 13 of Koto development?


      JoshStrobl Today I worked on playlist functionality and even got "dynamic" playlist based on albums generated!

      Cool, cool

      Don't have the mental energy to stream today. Will see about streaming tomorrow morning instead, depends how rest of today goes. Will still be working on Koto locally though.