To clarify, separating out Budgie Desktop Settings from the panel is something I want to do but it involves a lot of clean up, new DBus signals, etc. Whether it'll happen in Budgie 10.5 series remains to be seen.
Budgie 10.5.2 Released
JoshStrobl no big deal
all my desktop icons are now suddenly disappearing, in something of the order of a few hours or so, (not reappearing until reboot) any ideas?
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psi I would double check that the issue still persists with budgie-desktop-view 1.0.2 (make sure to relog or reboot to make sure you're actually using the latest version), which I released today. If it is, report it on (don't report it here, this isn't where I follow-up on bugs), provide information like if you recently renamed files in ~/Desktop, moved files in / out, modified the contents of the file(s), list of files that are getting removed, etc.
Was the "Change background" option intentionally removed from the right-click menu? Also, the menu now appears in English instead of the system language.
[deleted] Yes it was intentionally removed and it not being translated just means nobody translated those terms yet.
JoshStrobl Great work from the team, thank you. Love the balanced visual with the audio setting icon.
Wondering if monitor multi orientation possibilities may be worked on.
JoshStrobl you have been busy. I've installed every update, every day this week and rebooted. for my budgie it was all smooth; haven't experienced some the problems mentioned in this thread or another. Just throwin it out there for a variable. I echo craig above: thanks.
JoshStrobl still happening...
its putting a segfault on dmesg saying it happened in budgie, so wouldn't it be better reported there?
(as an end user its impossible to know which sub-project might actually accept responsibility.)
@papyweb same for you?
@JoshStrobl something awesome happened after today's update! Small glitches are gone when switching workspaces and I can see sliding effect when KODI running in fullscreen!
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I fell like something changed in the way the tasklist handle multiple grouped windows. I think before the update, when I had 2 instances of any application running, when clicking on the app on the tasklist it would have opened the last instance of the app that was in focus. Now it open the last instance of the app that was launched. This is a bit strange when switching between two things.
If I may be more concrete, when doing the following:
-open terminal 1
-open terminal 2
-put terminal 1 in focus again
-open firefox
-click on terminal on the tasklist
Before the update, I fell like it would have brought up terminal 1 which was the last in focus. Now, it brings up terminal 2.
This is a bit disturbing, and it seems to me that the old behaviour is more logical.
EDIT: I got it backward, it opens the first instance of the app launched. Anyway I feel like it should open the last one in focus.
good job solus team..
Awesome! There is a small issue with the tray though. When I open Chrome - something happens and the whole (and only) panel temporarily disappears (like it's rebooting). And then - there's no Chrome icon in the tray. It used to be there before the update. And I could click on it and "fully" quit from Chrome when I do not need it anymore
FunkyloverOne Might've been related to this issue? In which case there is a fix in the unstable repository now. (just going by the similarities here)
Staudey In which case there is a fix in the unstable repository now.
And stable.
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Happy to hear Budgie development is going strong!
Anybody know if the bug regarding Ibus candidate window not displaying has been fixed or is not until Budgie 11 as mentioned in the thread I'm linking to? On KDE at the moment, waiting to switch back to Budgie if it will be fixed
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I have installed Solus on my wife's old notebook, giving it a new lease of life. I was a bit worried as she only ever used Windows before but she really likes Solus.
She told me about the disappeared desktop icons today, which were an easy fix. What we did not manage to fix was the right-click behavior on the desktop. In empty parts of the desktop, the context menu only offers budgie and screen settings (IIRC). This means my wife cannot e.g. create a new folder directly from the desktop.
When clicking right on a file icon, the context menu only seems to offer "Open" and "Open in Terminal". Most of the context menu items available in the file manager are not offered.
Is this related to the switch to Budgie Desktop View? Are there plans to re-populate the context menus or workarounds?