JoshStrobl That was the previous version of Nautilus, as explained in both our roundup blog post and this Budgie one. Budgie Desktop View is the way forward.

Since they, you know, removed the feature from Nautilus ages ago. Holding back Nautilus indefinitely just isn't feasible.

JoshStrobl Yes, of course.
I love the Solus project, and I'm not migrating to any other distro for nothing in the world.
Thank You for everything that you do.

I just hate to look all the icons at the left side of the screen, without a possibility to rearrange them in their own places. Like hysterics, i'm scratching the desktop. hahaha - lol

I suppose, I'll have to hide the icons for now. 😄

    solus_me I personally, ummm, strongly dislike, having that personal control of the destkop disappeared from me. But you can make some moves in the Nautilus desktop folder in the interim. What is the interim you ask? They are bringing drag and drop ETA of course...I wish I had a time machine🙂👽

    JoshStrobl budgie-desktop-view 1.0 is installed. when I ran ps -aux | grep 'budgie-desktop-view' this is what I got back: 2344 0.0 0.0 216576 2280 pts/0 S+ 18:41 0:00 grep budgie-desktop-view

    Is this the right command to run to see if I have broken packages?
    sudo eopkg check | grep Broken | awk '{print $4}' | xargs sudo eopkg it --reinstall

    Also what can I do to fix the broken packages? I'm new to linux and not very savvy with all this. If there is an issue filed regarding this will I just have to wait for a new update? Thanks!

      NickJ2911 when I ran ps -aux | grep 'budgie-desktop-view' this is what I got back: 2344 0.0 0.0 216576 2280 pts/0 S+ 18:41 0:00 grep budgie-desktop-view

      Sounds like Budgie Desktop View isn't running, so sounds like it probably segfaulted during startup since it should be starting with your system automatically (we pre-install it as an autostarting application). Run us.getsol.budgie-desktop-view in Terminal and see what happens maybe? If it segfaults, would be nice to follow up with you on GitHub (I linked the issue tracker in my previous response to you) to determine the root cause. If it doesn't segfault and you see icons, then for whatever reason it isn't being added to your autostarting applications like it should.

        JoshStrobl I just ran: us.getsol.budgie-desktop-view
        And I got back: Segmentation fault (core dumped)

        Would running: sudo eopkg check | grep Broken | awk '{print $4}' | xargs sudo eopkg it --reinstall
        fix the issue?

          NickJ2911 No, that isn't something that can be fixed through a reinstall. The issue was already reported, I linked it to you earlier, I'd appreciate if you could comment on the issue I linked with some details (you can redact any personal info) on what files you have in ~/Desktop


            JoshStrobl I set up a new issue on github under that link. Sorry about that. New to all this. How do I get you the info you need in ~/Desktop. Do I run something terminal?

              NickJ2911 This issue is related to segfaults. Running ls ~/Desktop in the Terminal and putting the contents in a comment of the issue I linked may be beneficial, you're welcome to rename the files (keep the same extension though) if you feel it has personally identifiable information. If you have any .desktop files in ~/Desktop, the contents of them would be appreciated as well. They're just basic text files, so you can open them up in any text editor 🙂

              Thanks in advance!

              JoshStrobl I'm glad you have the +/- buttons on the sound slider. The ability to change volume without using the slider is an assistive technology important for users without fine motor control, and for older people in general. I encourage you to add similar +/- buttons to Raven at some point in the future, if and when you have time. The 10.5.2 update is great overall. The individual changes are subtle, but the cumulative changes make Budgie much better.

              sorry if this has been covered, a couple of bugs/oddities

              1 )cant add budgie desktop settings to favorites
              2 )adding budgie desktop settings to plank means if i click it the budgie panel goes away minimized i think, as if i click again it comes back, i guess 1) and 2) are connected and that 1) is on purpose because of 2) ?
              3)desktop icons go under left panel or left plank (unity style)

                Lucien_Lachance cant add budgie desktop settings to favorites

                Intentional, mentioned in the blog post: "This enabled us to resolve an issue where the pin and new instance buttons were being unintentionally shown, as well as an issue where you could not close Budgie Desktop Settings". It's part of the panel.

                adding budgie desktop settings to plank means if i click it the budgie panel goes away minimized i think, as if i click again it comes back

                Because it's part of the panel 😉

                desktop icons go under left panel or left plank (unity style)

                Issue not specific to desktop icons unfortunately. It's a Budgie bug:

                To clarify, separating out Budgie Desktop Settings from the panel is something I want to do but it involves a lot of clean up, new DBus signals, etc. Whether it'll happen in Budgie 10.5 series remains to be seen.

                  all my desktop icons are now suddenly disappearing, in something of the order of a few hours or so, (not reappearing until reboot) any ideas?

                    psi J'ai le même problème... obligé de me déconnecter de mon comptre puis de me reconnecté... 😅

                    I have the same problem ... I have to log out of my account and then log back in...

                    • psi replied to this.