Bouquins Hello all ! I'd like my screen to go black after 30 or 45 minutes instead of the 15 minutes max (I love to sketch, and my models are on my screen); is it possible ? Sorry for my bad English ! Thank you ![](url)
JoshStrobl This should do the trick, sets it to 45min: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.session 'idle-delay' 2700
Bouquins Thank you very much, it worked ! Wouln't it be a good thing to have this feature enabled on the GUI ?
JoshStrobl Bouquins We're not the developers of "Settings". It's GNOME Control Center, developed by GNOME. The feature request should go to them 🙂
pomon You can do it graphically, IMHO the way @JoshStrobl is faster. Install and open dconf-editor, go to /org/gnome/desktop/session/idle-delay and change Other value